Webinar series to learn how to work with CLARIAH Media Suite
In the spring semester 2022, the CLARIAH Media Suite team offers a webinar series that introduces participants to working with the audiovisual collections, tools and methods made available in the Media Suite. Each webinar starts with a theoretical introduction followed by a hands-on session.
The team starts the series with an introductory session focusing on the basic functionalities of the Media Suite, followed by five sessions focusing on more advanced uses of its tools; from searching and bookmarking collections, to cross-media analysis and oral history scholarship, and qualitative and quantitative analysis using video and audio annotation and automated transcripts of media content.
Look here for the whole webinar series and how to register.

About the Media Suite
The Media Suite is an online research environment for audio-visual collections and media studies research developed within the NWO-funded CLARIAH project. Using their university login credentials, scholars and students in the Netherlands can access key Dutch audio-visual and paper collections, via the Media Suite. Among the collections included are the entire public broadcasting radio and television collection of The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV), the Jean Desmet collection of the Eye Filmmuseum and more than 60 oral history collections from DANS. The Media Suite makes datasets and data enrichments of these collections available that can be explored in the infrastructure with custom-built tools for searching, analyzing, inspecting and comparing datasets.